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Listening to the desires of many “dyed in the wool” deer hunters including Phelps's old friend Clay Newcomb, they knew not every hunter wants a grunter with a bellows tube. This call is tuned to sound like a young buck, but can call in even the wisest old buck.
Diving deep into research and development and working with trusted game call visionary, James Harrison, Phelps designed and built an American mold injected tone board and exhaust that sounds second to none. Nobody likes their grunter to freeze up with condensation during a cold snap, so Phelps installs a specialized rivet in the reed to create momentum, preventing the reed from locking up from condensation. Rounding out this deer call, Phelps plugs the internals into an acrylic barrel to make an uncompromising buck grunter that won't break the bank.