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Give your youth archer the best chance to develop their skills with America's No. 1 brand in youth archery – Bear Archery. Safetyglass™ arrows are strong, durable, and safe. These fiberglass arrows feature high-flexing qualities and will not splinter. Arrows come with nock and points installed and pre-fletched with vanes. Caution: Arrow spine weight must match or be higher than bow weight.
THE BEST OF THE BESTGive your youth archer the best chance to develop their skills with America's No. 1 brand in youth archery.
TOP QUALITYBear Archery Youth Safetyglass™ arrows are strong, durable, and safe
LONG-LASTINGFiberglass arrows feature high-flexing qualities and will not splinter
CONVENIENTArrows come with nock and points installed and pre-fletched with vanes
WHAT'S INCLUDEDThree arrows are included per card and are available in four different sizes.