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  Boating & AIS 

Wyoming Boating Regulations - Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)

The threat to Wyoming’s waterways and lakes is real and as a result, the Wyoming Game and Fish is taking the threat seriously. There are now regulations in place to protect these water and sporting resources that all persons owning or using watercraft should be aware of. Any watercraft transported into Wyoming from March 1 through November 30 must undergo a MANDATORY INSPECTION by an authorized inspector prior to launching into water. Furthermore, any watercraft that has been in a water known to be infested or occupied with Zebra/Quagga Mussels within the last 30 days is required to undergo a MANDATORY INSPECTION by an authorized inspector prior to launching during all months of the year. All watercraft must stop at any open watercraft check station on their route of travel, even if not intending to launch in Wyoming. AIS decals can be purchased at any Wyoming Game and Fish office, at any licensed Wyoming Game and Fishing License Selling Agent or online at the Wyoming Game and Fish website located here:

All watercraft using Wyoming waters are required to display an Aquatic Invasive Species decal.

Resident Watercraft

Watercraft TypeCost
Non-motorized watercraft owned by Wyoming residents
Motorized watercraft registered in Wyoming$10

Non-Resident Watercraft

Watercraft TypeCost
Non-motorized watercraft owned by non-residents$15
Motorized watercraft registered in states other than Wyoming