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  Public Land Agencies

USFS - Shoshone National Forest

(307) 332-5746  

Why Should I Call The Forest Service?

Information on the USFS – Shoshone National Forest can be hard to find. At WROC, we are making it easy so if you have questions regarding access, fire restrictions, or even if you need a permit to hold an event on Shoshone National Forest/USFS property, these are the folks to call.

Bureau of land management

(307) 332-8400  

Why Should I Call The Bureau of Land Management?

The Lander office of the BLM covers a huge section of Wyoming and if you have any questions about access, activities, or need other information pertaining to BLM property then please contact these folks.

Wyoming Game and Fish

(307) 332-2688  

Why Should I Call The Game and Fish?

Have questions regarding fishing, hunting, trapping, or even boating in the waters of Wyoming? These are the people that can get the answer to even your hardest wildlife questions.

Sinks Canyon State Park

(307) 332-6333  

Why Should I Call Sinks Canyon State Park?

From class schedules, features to visit, or visitation hours, these fine people can answer your questions on all things Sinks Canyon State Park.

Boysen State Park

(307) 876-2796  

Why Should I Call Boysen State Park?

One of Wyoming’s largest state parks – Boysen State Park – offers great access to boating, fishing, and even hunting. However, the rules and regulations can be tricky so if you have questions that need answering, please contact the administration at this number.  

Wind River Tribal Game & Fish

(307) 332-7207  

Why Should I Call The Tribal Game and Fish?  

The Wind River Tribal Reservation encompasses 3532 square miles – bigger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined! This tribal reservation is huge but there are rules and regulations that are a must know if you plan on going there. If you have a question on access, rules, or fees associated with these lands then please contact the WRIR Tribal Game & Fish here.

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