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  DOnations and Contributions

Donation Requests

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Wind River Outdoor Company! Wind River Outdoor Company is proud of Wyoming and the community we live in and as a result, we take pride in helping those charitable causes in the great locations that we work and live. On average, WROC receives over 100 requests for charitable giving per year and unfortunately, we cannot fulfill all of those requests due to the nature of the event, timing and finally, financial constraints. Please understand that if we cannot fulfill your request, it is not a reflection on the quality or value of the project, but instead is a reflection of the sheer number or requests received as compared to the available resources. Please consider the following criteria and guidelines before submitting an application. Note, incomplete applications will not be considered for sponsorship/donation. 

• Preference is given to local (Wyoming) outdoor conservation or outdoor educational causes;

• Applications must be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the event to be considered;

• WROC does not contribute to political campaigns;

• One donation or sponsorship per organization per year;

• All requests must be made through this online form only;

• It is preferred that the organization is an IRS recognized non-profit. WROC reserves the right to request proof of non-profit status. 

• Organization must provide proof of marketing efforts showing Wind River Outdoor Company as being part of the effort in raising funds for the event. 

• Organization and contact person must guarantee that funds/goods are used exactly as stated in the application. Any use of donated funds/goods outside of the stated purpose below in this application will prevent organization and person from being considered for any charitable giving in the future. Furthermore, Wind River Outdoor Company may seek to recover the cost of the donation from the group and by accepting the monetary/merchandise donation, the group AND person requesting the donation agree to fully reimburse Wind River Outdoor Company for the full value of the donation plus all costs in the collection of this amount (including attorney’s fees, interest @ 18% per year, postage, etc.)

Preference will be given to organizations that cover the following:

  • outdoor education opportunities to youth under 18 years of age in Wyoming;
  • habitat improvement projects involving water resources, big game habitat or upland/waterfowl habitat in Wyoming;
  • Veteran or disabled outdoor opportunities in Wyoming;
  • Access improvement projects in Wyoming

Information form: